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The Guild office is located at
1333 Howe Ave, Suite 207, Sacramento, CA 95825
Office: 916-550-1119
Our mission is to promote the interests of employee pharmacists professionally, educationally, and economically.
We have and always will be pharmacists working for pharmacists
"Apothecaries' wage is becoming a bye-word denoting something uncommonly extravagant. This great apparent profit, however, is frequently no more than the reasonable wages of labor. The skill of an apothecary is a much nicer and more delicate matter than that of any artificer whatever: and the trust which is reposed in him is of much greater importance. He is the physician of the poor in all cases, and of the rich when the distress of danger is not very great. His reward, therefore, ought to be suitable to his skill and his trust"
~Adam Smith
The Wealth of Nations, 1776
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